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  • Writer's pictureChristine Dano Johnson

9 September 2021

Daily Meditation (10 minutes) - This is a small cheat, as I forgot to do a regular meditation outside of savasana!

I extended my savasana after a group class, and tried to allow myself to just melt into the mat. I have a long stretch of busy days ahead with lots of interpersonal interaction and professional shepherding -- I need all the 'nothing' I can get.

Daily Yoga (60 minutes) - beginner yoga livestream @BlueRidge

It's been ages since I did a beginner yoga class, probably since 2010 when my son was in Kindergarten. I would drop him off at school, and walk to the YMCA for an hour long class. Some of the best yoga I've ever experienced was in that multi-purpose room at the Y. This was the year that we moved back to Tennessee from Alaska, and I had a lot to process, shed, and let go of. I would hesitate to turn off my phone, as I was worried that the school would call about something in the hour I was in class. One time -- they did. I fired up my phone after rolling up my mat, finding that the school nurse had left a voicemail (!). She said gently that X was fine, that he was crying in class because his loose tooth was bleeding and hurting, and that his teacher had sent him to her for a cold washcloth. She passed the phone to him so he could leave a message, and in between sniffles, he told me that his "toof was hutting." I had to really lay down my mother's guilt. He was okay, I was okay.

Simple postures explained in detail, but always good to get back to basics and unwind/ slow down. Lots of cat cows, modified sun salutations with variations and down dogs, and strap work in cow-faced pose. Really nice, and brought forth some embodied memories. Now he's driving and getting ready for college visits. Yoga has taken me through these years, offering me grace and balance as I've grown as a woman and a mother.

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