Daily Meditation (30 minutes) - Pranayama, counting breathwork during acupuncture
During one of my regular acupuncture appointments, I decided to incorporate breathwork meditation while resting on the table in between the practitioner's insertion points. Counting my exhales from 1-10, I fell into a state of extreme relaxation, which (I feel) helped the acupuncture do its magic better. I recall feeling how sweet the breath felt as it filled my lungs and my belly, how wonderful it is to inhale and exhale, and how golden it is to be alive and rested. Acupuncture is always a very blissed-out experience for me anyway, and this was especially so.
Daily Yoga (30 minutes) - practice with traditional sun salutation and a standing flow for knee pain
I am currently developing a standing series for some of my students, and want to be sure that it's an inclusive practice that takes into account varying body situations and injuries. I've found that a standing series is more accessible than floor work, and I incorporated the following into an abbreviated sun salutation/ standing flow. Writing down here for posterity!
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Prayer (Pranamasana)
Upward Salute (Urdhva Hastasana)
Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
Half Standing Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana)
Warrior 2
Peaceful Warrior
Back to Warrior 2
Extended side angle
Warrior 2
Peaceful warrior again
Warrior 2
back to warrior 2
Step up to mountain
Warrior 1
Step up to mountain
Repeat other side
Step up to mountain
Chair pose or awkward pose
Back to Warrior 1
Step up to mountain
Back to Warrior 1 (other side
Step up to mountain
Eagle arms 1 side
Bound & balancing eagle 1 side
Eagle arms 2nd side
Bound and balancing eagle 2nd side
back up to mountain
repeat flow from above again (upward salute, forward fold, half standing forward fold, warrior 2...triangle, warrior 2, mountain, warrior 1...)
from warrior 1 bring foot up to pyramid
back to warrior 1
back to warrior 1
pyramid other side
back to warrior 1
close or continue
It was a gentle on the knees but invigorating mini-Vinyasa. I felt energized and balanced. Could close with some cooling down from a chair or standing, a down dog variation mini-workshop, and a closing meditation. Knocking on heaven's door would also be good here, along with some wrist work, neck rolls, etc. at the beginning of the flow.