Meditation and Asana
~10 minutes of meditation
I utilized a guided meditation on Insight Timer, designed to begin one's day with a compassionate and positive morning. While the guided part faded into the background after a few minutes, I started to direct my attention toward my third eye. I visualized statues of the Buddha, with his urna glowing white-gold like a jewel. With this focus (drsthi), I felt my head bow forward and a calming sensation flow throughout my entire body. This was new, and pretty wonderful.
(Image via Japan Visitor)
~30 minutes of asana
I started with several rounds of sun salutations A and B (B wore me out but I kept going), followed by some on my own flow to include pigeon, side plank, thunderbolt, cat cows, head to knee, three legged dogs, and a crow that ended humbly (i.e. I tumbled forward after two breaths). I ended the practice with a five minute legs up the wall, thinking about how Michael said it if there was a perfect yoga posture, this would be it.